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Seattle Physical Therapy

Contact us about telehealth consults

Seattle PT Solutions is an independent Physiotherapy Practice owned by Karen Greeley. Karen is an Orthopedic Physical Therapist and Clinical Specialist who earned her certifications through NAIOMT (the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy) to their highest level. She has 34 years of clinical experience in Orthopedic PT and has been practicing in the Seattle area since 1989.

Seattle PT Solutions provides a physical assessment using a process of differential diagnosis that is medically based. We treat musculo-skeletal conditons – including muscle, joints, tendons, nerves, and fascia. We are movement specialists who assess and treat movement dysfunctions such as gait and running abnormalities but also overuse injuries and movement problems associated with trauma and accidents. Treatment emphasizes manual treatment of joints and soft tissues utilizing the sciences of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and exercise.

The range of injuries treated by an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist include:

  • Whiplash Associated Disorders WAD (post car accidents or impact injuries in sports) of the neck, thoracic and lumbar spines including TOS or thoracic outlet syndrome.
  • Post Surgical Rehabilitation such spinal surgeries, total knee, hip, or shoulder replacements, labral repairs, foot surgeries, shoulder rotator cuff repairs and meniscal or ACL/PCL repairs.
  • Work Related Injuries such as, back neck or thoracic injuries, shoulder impingement and tendonitis’ and overuse injuries of the  elbows and hands.
  • Sport Injuries that include:
    lower extremities: hip labral tears/repairs, patella femoral syndrome, shin splints and compartment syndromes, achilles tendonitis, plantafasciatis and other muscle injuries and tendon strains.
    upper extremities: shoulder tendonitis/bursitis, elbow overuse and throwing injuries, tendonitis of the wrists and forearms, including golfers and tennis elbow.